トップページ > デザイナージャーナル > 冬の朝とダイヤモンド


CATEGORY: ハイジュエリーの製作












一番無色はDカラー、E,F,G… といくに連れて黄色をおびてきます。(カラーグレードにA,B,Cは存在しません)ジュエリー業界の人はダイヤモンドを見るときルーペや、時には顕微鏡を使います。このカラーグレードが無色のDあるいはEカラーのものは、顕微鏡で見てみると無色で清々しくなるくらいの透明感があります。


一方GIAはダイヤモンドの化学的な分類もしていて、含有する不純物によってタイプⅠa, タイプⅠb, タイプⅡa、タイプⅡbの4タイプに分けています。ダイヤモンドは炭素の結晶ですが、通常はその中にほんの少しだけ窒素やホウ素のような不純物が含まれています。上記の4つタイプのうちタイプⅡaは(一般的にはダイヤモンド全体の1%未満~2%くらいと言われています)、全く不純物(窒素やホウ素)を含まないタイプのダイヤモンドです。このタイプⅡaのダイヤモンドを顕微鏡で見てみると、これもまた清々しくなるくらい透明感があります。特に無色のD,Eカラーで、タイプⅡaとなると、日々抱えているすべてのストレスが吹き飛ぶくらい気持ちのよい透明感をもっています。





    • センターストーンはDカラー、TypeⅡa

    • センターストーンはEカラー、TypeⅡa




Winter Morning and Diamonds

In Tokyo, where my atelier is located, the temperature is much cooler in January.

I personally do not dislike the cool, clear air and cloudless skies, as it makes me feel refreshed.


This time I would like to talk about the transparency of diamonds.


Diamonds exhibit a beautiful brilliance due to their hardness and high refractive index.Some other diamonds also have a high degree of transparency.The GIA is a well-known gemological grading agency that grades diamonds using an alphabetical color system.

The most colorless is D color, and it becomes yellowish as it goes from E, F, G, and so on. (There are no A, B, or C color grades.)Jewelry professionals use loupes and sometimes microscopes to look at diamonds.


A diamond with a color grade of D or E, which is colorless, is clear enough to be colorless and refreshing under a microscope.On the other hand, GIA also classifies diamonds chemically, dividing them into four types according to the impurities they contain: Type Ia, Type Ib, Type IIa, and Type IIb.

Diamonds are crystals of carbon, but usually contain just a few impurities in them, such as nitrogen and boron.

Of the above four types, Type IIa (generally said to be less than 1% to 2% of the total diamonds) is a type of diamond that contains no impurities (nitrogen or boron) at all.  

When this Type IIa diamond is examined under a microscope, it is also refreshingly transparent.Especially when Type IIa diamonds are colorless D or E color, they have such a pleasant transparency that all the stresses we carry every day are blown away.

I feel that the freshness of these diamonds is similar to “the air on a clear, cold winter morning.


Diamonds often attract attention for their brilliance, but I myself am also strongly attracted to their transparency, which I would like to express in my jewelry.


Hitoshi Okura