街はクリスマス一色で 滞在ホテルの周りの家の扉には綺麗なリースが競うように飾られ、大きな窓越しに豪華なクリスマスツリーが見える家もありました。
今年はコロナ禍が落ち着いたこともあり、例年に比べて海外出張の回数が増えました。 今回のクリスマスのような楽しい気分になるときもありましたが、海外の先進国に比べ日本の物価のあまりの安さを肌で感じ、なんとも沈んだ気分になることが多くありました。
December London
I went to London on a business trip from December 14 for a week.
The city was all about Christmas, with beautiful wreaths competitively decorated on the doors of houses around the hotel where I stayed, and some houses had gorgeous Christmas trees through their large windows. The brand shops on Bond Street and Regent Street were decorated with large Christmas decorations, and there were long lines of people waiting for the shops to open in front of the entrances. Fortnum & Mason in Piccadilly was packed with shoppers (I have never seen so many people in one store before) and the crowds were so thick that I wondered where the “keep distance” had been until recently.
I saw more than a few people walking around in Santa Claus costumes and hats with reindeer horns. Seeing so many people looking forward to Christmas and searching for presents was a very exciting sight.
This year, with the COVID-19 pandemic calming down, I have been on more overseas business trips than in previous years. Although there were times when I was in a joyful mood, such as this Christmas, I often felt a sinking feeling when I experienced firsthand how low the cost of living in Japan is compared to that of developed countries overseas.
The weak yen is also an indication of the weakness of the Japanese economy, so we must do what we can do to raise the value of Japan, even if it is only a small contribution.
It is getting colder and colder like winter. I hope everyone has a good holiday season.
Hitoshi Okura